Thursday 1 May 2014

hi there whoever on web,
I do not know exactly who i write and how but I start to test the blog mostly

I introduce myself
I live in Dublin from 16 years now moving South Ireland in retreat this week
I am Italian originally and mostly a sculptor
here my website with some information

I am wishing to take part to the programme with a one hour art-documentary created on a five years (plus) work in Dublin and earlier titled
S-KIPS 2007 
Towards an Art of Consequences  
Writing an Hyper-history: Dublin

as from presentation in Dublin Kilmainham Gaol Museum.
This place was the old jail where most republican rebels got jailed and killed now a museum

here the east wing where I exhibited

This will be a specific lenth film meant to be shown to raise a discussion that i will be happy to lead as possible…

Beside this I am imaging a specific new sculptural installation - a sensitive work - dedicated to the 3rd of October tragedy and to be installed wherever possible to commemorate the tragic fact, possibly Lampedusa.
I will be happy to share my ideas and to create the project collectively following the given path or finding further solutions ideas, as possible workshop at Novisad collective residence.

Would anyone connect to me I will be glad to discuss the matter and start a verbal draft of the ideas

I have not got yet access to other blogs so … will talk you online